长城词典·板厂峪板厂峪属抚宁县,这一带山势高峻,乱石峥嵘。这里是柳江国家地质公园的边缘,因山就势的板厂峪长城格外险峻,有4座敌楼建在超过海拔700米的高山上,其中高尖楼的海拔高度达到851米。比较著名的有穿心楼、石林楼和长城倒挂等。前些年,在板厂峪发现了众多烧制长城砖的砖窑,特别是发现了能充分利用柴火尾热的龙窑。1984年,出土了二十多支明代子母铳,填补了中国兵器史上的空白。 Great Wall dictionary·Banchang YuBanchang Yu is in Funing County. This segment of Great Wall which borders Liujiang National Geopark is exceptionally high and steep and filled with extraordinary rocks. There are four watch towers built above 700 meters altitude with the highest at the altitude of 851 meters. The famous sites are Stone Forest Tower and Upside Down Great Wall. A few years ago,many brick kilns were found in Banchang Yu with a special kind named dragon kiln which can make good use of the end heat of fire wood. In 1984,more than twenty pairs of blunderbusses from the Ming Dynasty were unearthed which filled in the blankness of Chinese weapon history.