长城词典·插箭岭插箭岭关北距涞源县城16公里,南距内三关之一的“倒马关”18公里。其名字的由来与妇孺皆知的杨家将的故事有关,据说因杨六郎插箭于此而得名。建于明弘治三年(1490年)的关城今已不存,两边的长城也多遭毁坏。著名摄影家沙飞的名作《战斗在古长城上》就诞生在这里。 Great Wall dictionary·Chajian Ling PassLocated 16 kilometers north of Laiyuan County,Chajian Ling Pass has to do with the well-known Generals of the Yang family (historical figures from Northern Song or Earlier Song Dynasty (960-1127)). As the story goes,Yang Liulang (the sixth son from the Yang family) shot his arrow (sounds Chajian in Chinese) which rested right on this mountain rock (sounds Ling in Chinese) and scared the Liao enemy away. The pass built in 1490 is no longer there and the Wall on its two sides is mostly demolished. It is the birthplace of Sha Fei’s famous photo album Fighting Over the Ancient Great Wall.