长城词典·杨来楼杨来楼原名西楼。1947年6月,板厂峪村农会主任杨来被国民党特务骗到此楼,惨遭杀害。村民为纪念烈士,将西楼更名为“杨来楼”。杨来楼设计精妙,结构复杂,令人称奇。杨来楼的东面是绵延不绝的险峰绝壁,蜿蜒于山顶上的一溜长城敌楼非常壮观。 Great Wall dictionary·Yanglai TowerYanglai Tower was originally named West Tower. In June 1947,the chairman of the peasants association of the village Yanglai was abducted by the Kuomintang (used to be shortened as KMD,referring to Chinese Nationalist Party) spy to the Tower and got killed there. In order to remember him,the villagers named this tower Yanglai Tower after him. It is finely designed with complex structure. It is a wonderful and magnificent scenem.