长城词典·九门口关九门口关在山海关城北15公里处,建于冀辽交界的九江河上,城与桥融为一体,桥身八墩九孔,故名“九门口”。关城建在面积约7000平方米的由条石铺就的河床上,条石间有铁榫石铆相咬合,所以又称一片石关。城西九江河南岸有一座子母相依的烽火台,又称“将军墩”。台顶生长着一棵数百年的大松树,非常奇特。九门口曾经硝烟弥漫,发生在山海关的战役,这里多是重要的战场。 Great Wall dictionary·Jiumenkou PassLocated 15km north of the town of Shanhai Pass,Jiumenkou Pass is built on Jiujiang River,which straddles Hebei Province and Liaoning Province. With the town and bridge joining together,the bridge has eight piers and nine openings,thus bearing the name of “Jiumenkou”(Jiumen means Nine Opening). Covering a total area of 7000 square meters,the riverbed is paved by rectangular stones and the town of Jiumenkou Pass is constructed right on it. With iron tenons and stone rivets holding together the rectangular stones,it is also named the Stone Pass. In the west of the town,on the southern bank of Jiujiang River,there stands a beacon tower known as “the General Pier”. It is extrodinary that a centuries-old giant pine tree grows on the top of the tower. In the past,Jiumenkou Pass was an important battlefield and many wars in the region of Shanhai Pass fought here .