长城词典·穿心楼穿心楼位于板厂峪东沟,据说这里是没有完全喷发的火山口,石笋林立,山势狰狞。穿心楼建在两座高山之间的低洼处,相传因守城兵士将偷袭的敌人一箭穿心而得名。雄浑的长城与巍峨的大山交相辉映,是一处不可多得的世界奇观。 Great Wall dictionary·Chuanxin TowerLocated in the east of Banchang Yu,Chuanxin Tower is said to be a crater of an incomplete eruption. Rocks stand in great numbers along ferocious mountain ridge. It is built in a hollow between two mountains. It got its name from the real story in which a watch man shot the raided enemy right through his heart (Chuanxin). It is a rare wonder with the combination of vigorous Great Wall and the lofty mountain.