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作品名称: 河北 易县 Hebei Yixian
图片名称: brt026168500099.jpg
作品描述: 长城词典·紫荆关位于保定易县的紫荆关,地居要冲,自古以来就是军事重镇。战国时为“太行八陉”之一的“蒲阴陉”,汉代称“五阮关”,北魏称“子庄关”,宋代称“金陂关”,金、元之后因山上长满紫荆树得名“紫荆关”。它是明代著名的“内三关”之一,也是真保镇紫荆关路的重要关城,由五座不规则的小城组成。这里依山傍水,山险城固,易守难攻。历史上曾发生过多次重要的战争。 Great Wall dictionary·Zijing GuanLocated in Yi County,Zijing Guan occupies a very important military post. It used to have different names and finally acquired the name Zijing Guan because there are numerous Chinese redbuds (pronounced as Zijing) around. It was one of the very famous interior three passes in the Ming Dynasty, consisting of 5 small towns. Zijing Guan lies near the mountain and by the river,steep and solid,easy to hold and hard to attack. Many important battles in history were fought here.