长城词典·长城岭位于河北阜平与山西五台交界处的长城岭,地势险要,为龙泉关的上关,是古代山西通往京师的必经之路,距五台山只有30公里。长城岭的关城已经不存,仅存的门洞也已经非常残破,石碑的底座就横卧在草丛里。长城是一道干打垒的石墙,底部2~3米,顶部仅有30~50公分宽。 Great Wall dictionary·Changcheng LingLocated in the border of Hebei and Shanxi Provinces,Changcheng Ling (The Great Wall Ridge) is only 30 miles from Wutai Mountain ( a well-known tourist site in Shanxi Province). The pass of this section is no longer seen and the only remained door looks very dilapidated. The pedestal of the stele is lying there in decumbence in the dense grass. This portion of Wall was built by merely piling stones,only 30-50 centimeter wide on the top and 2-3 meters wide at the bottom.