长城词典·石窝石窝长城位于涞源白石口长城与插箭岭长城之间,因靠近石窝村得名。石窝是石头之乡,采石厂遍布,其村名也源自无尽的奇石。在山脊间蜿蜒的长城,与周边千姿百态的奇石,构成了一个瑰丽多彩的壮美画卷。 Great Wall dictionary·Shi WoLocated in between White Stone Mountain and Chajian Ling in Laiyuan County,Shi Wo acquires its name because it is near Shi Wo Village. Shi Wo is renown for its inexhaustible resources of rare stones(Shi means stone in Chinese),many quarrying plants can be found here and there. It is a wonderful scene formed by many differently postured stones and continuously wandering Wall.