长城词典·罗文峪罗文峪位于唐山遵化市北部,关口狭窄,易守难攻,是蓟镇长城的一处重要关隘。1933年3月中旬,侵华日军在喜峰口遭到中国守军的顽强抵抗惨败而归后,改变战略,由中路进攻罗文峪、龙井关等关口。29军将士手持大刀与日军激战三昼夜,歼敌千余人,打退了从热河进攻华北的日军。 Great Wall dictionary·Luowen YuLuowen Yu lies in the east of Zunhua City. It is a narrow pass which is easy to hold but hard to attack. It is a very important pass in the Ji section of Great Wall. In March 1933,after suffering from a severe defeat from Chinese troops in Xifeng Kou,the Japanese troops attacked Luowen Yu instead. Our army (Corp 29) fought the Japanese troops with swords in three days and nights. During this campaign,more than thousand enemies were annihilated.