长城词典·喜峰口、潘家口喜峰口古称松亭关,明永乐年间改称至今。它位于唐山迁西县滦河与长城交汇处,关口两侧山高谷深,自成天险,自古为兵家必争之地。1933年侵华日军欲从喜峰口入关,遭到国民党二十九军将士顽强抵抗,千余人被歼。由喜峰口向西,翻越山梁不远即为潘家口,二者互为唇齿。潘家口古称卢龙塞,东汉曹操北征乌桓即由此出塞。1976年潘家口水库开始动工兴建,1984年开始蓄水。曾经的关城与相邻的喜峰口,一起被淹于水下,形成独特的水下长城奇观。干旱水浅时,长城的敌楼与城墙露出水面。 Great Wall dictionary·Xifeng Kou and Panjia KouXifeng Kou’s original name was Songting Guan and has taken its name from the reign of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty. It strides Qianxi County and Luan River. On its two sides stand high mountains and deep valleys. It has been a pass of great military importance in history. In 1933,the Japanese invaders attempted to attack China from Xifeng Kou but encountered strong resistance by KMD army;as a result more than 1000 Japanese enemies were annihilated.Crossing the mountain ridge,very close to Xifeng Kou,there lays Panjia Kou. Panjia Kou used to take the name of Lulong Zha,the site where Cao Cao in the Eastern Han Dynasty had to go past when he was fighting the north. In 1976,Panjia Kou Reservoir was set up and began to store water in 1984. Both Panjia Kou and Xifeng Kou are submerged below water,thus becoming a unique Great Wall wonder. During the drought,both the watch tower and the Great Wall stand over shallow water thus forming a beautiful scene.