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作品名称: 河北 怀来 Hebei Huailai
图片名称: brt026168500122.jpg
作品描述: 长城词典·鸡鸣驿城鸡鸣驿城是明代宣府镇内外长城之间最重要的军驿,宣府与京师之间最大的驿站,也是我国现存最大、保存最完整的古代驿城。鸡鸣驿因北倚鸡鸣山而得名,城墙基本呈方形,东西460米,南北480米,有东西两座城门,城门上建有城楼,各有瓮城。城内有3条大街,有驿丞署、驿馆、校场、马号,还有碧霞宫、马王庙、文昌宫、财神庙等庙宇和戏楼,现存的壁画尤其珍贵。 Great Wall dictionary·Jimingyi Jimingyi was the most important military post in the Ming Dynasty and the biggest between Xuanfu and Beijing. It is also the best preserved and most complete military post so far. The wall is nearly square because it is 460 meters from east to west,and 480 meters from south to north. It has two city gates,on whose top towers with urns are built. Within the city wall,there are 3 streets,a military office,a courier station,a drill ground,some temples,some theatrical stages and precious wall paintings.