长城词典·花场峪花场峪是长城的一个小关口,位于秦皇岛市区以北32公里处,北侧西山上,有一座旧时守城兵士夫妇同住的“媳妇楼”,门券上的雕刻甚为精美。日本在侵华战争期间,于花场峪长城两侧建立无人区,当地百姓被赶入“人圈”,倍受折磨。 Great Wall dictionary·Huachang YuHuachang Yu is a small pass in the Great Wall,32 kilometers north of Qin Huangdao City. It rests on the west mountain in the north of the city. There is a tower named Xifu (meaning wife) Tower where watch soldiers and their wives used to live. Exquisite sculpture can be seen on the arch of the tower. During the anti-Japanese war,the Japanese invaders set a No Man’s Zone along the two sides of Huachang Yu,driving the local people into the “pen” and cruelly tormented them there.