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作品名称: 河北 涞源 Hebei Laiyuan
图片名称: brt026168500087.jpg
作品描述: 长城词典·乌龙沟口乌龙沟堡位于保定涞源县城东北40公里的乌龙河畔,西面依山、三面临河,周长约900米。城墙和城门都由巨大的条石和青砖砌筑,美观而坚固。所辖乌龙沟长城20公里,城墙逶迤,敌楼密布,是河北长城保存最完好的地段之一。 Great Wall dictionary·Wulong Gou GateLocated in the north east of Laiyuan County,40 miles from Wulong River,the gate has a circumference of 900 meters,leaning on a mountain and surrounded by rives in three sides. It is beautifully and firmly constructed with huge stones and black bricks. This section Great Wall runs as long as 20 miles,winding along the mountain,dotted with numerous watch towers. It is one of the best preserved Great Wall sections in Hebei Province.