长城词典·花兜兜建于明洪武年间的花兜兜长城,位于河北兴隆县六道河镇小关门村和北京密云县曹寨村交界处,由小关门关隘、夹城沟水门、泉水河关隘以及20余座敌楼组成。这一带山势低缓,沟谷纵通,易攻难守。花兜兜长城在墙体上用主墙连叉墙,叉墙连双墙,地势险要处设置多处障墙,构成纵横交错的防御体系,有效地增强了防御能力。城墙砌筑高大坚固,依山势起伏。在长城北面还有支线长城,平面形状呈小孩所穿花兜兜,因此得名“花兜兜长城”。 Great Wall dictionary·Hua DoudouHua Doudou segment was built in the Ming Dynasty. It is located in the border of Xinglong County in Hebei Province and Miyun County in Beijing.It consists of more than 20 watch towers. The mountains in this section are low and gradual,dissected by trenches and valleys,easy to attack and hard to hold. The body wall links with branch wall,branch wall with double wall,criss-crossing each other and forming an effective defense system. The Wall is built along the natural rise and fall of the mountain ridge,high and solid,looks like Hua Doudou that kids wear so it takes the name of Hua Doudou.