长城词典·常峪口宣化县的常峪口堡,也叫常遇口。明洪武二年,大将军常遇春统兵追逐元顺帝,攻陷了元上都后凯旋,在柳河川驻守,不幸患“缷甲风”暴亡。为纪念这位功名显赫的常胜将军,这里便取谐音为常峪口。 Great Wall dictionary·Changyu KouLocated in Xuanhua County,Changyu Kou is also named Changyu Kou Bu. In the year of 1369 (Ming Dynasty),general Chang Yuchun led his army to chase after Emperor Yuan Shun(1320-1370,the last Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty),captured Yuan Shangdu,won the decisive battle and came back triumphantly. When he stationed in Liuhechuan,he caught a serious disease (a stroke that was caused by taking off his corselet immediately after he came into the tent from battlefield) and died all of a sudden. In order to commemorate this well-known and capable general,this place was given the name Changyu Kou,a homonym of the general’s name.