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作品名称: 河北 万全 Hebei Wanquan
图片名称: brt026168500056.jpg
作品描述: 长城词典·烽火台和举烽烽火台亦称烽燧、烽堠、烽台、烟墩、狼烟台、亭燧等,主要用以传递敌情。夜间燃火叫烽,白日举烟曰燧。明代使用定量的烽火和放炮次数作为报警暗号。 Great Wall dictionary·Signal Tower and Beacon FireSignal tower,also known as beacon tower,smoke pier,is mainly built for delivering messages of the enemy’s situation. At night,the beaconing fire is called “feng”,while in the daytime;the released smoke is called “sui”. In the Ming Dynasty,the number of beaconing fire and certain times of firecrackers stood for different messages as alarm signals.